Friday, 8 May 2015

Gadkari's panacea for farmer's problems

Gadkari is free to pee at the root of every tree in his garden, forcing his gardener to handle his excreta is unconstitutional and inhuman.
                                        From time immemorial civilized people never attempted to test human excreta to manure their farms and fields. Bizarre are the ways of the present day rulers of India. They worship the cow, ban its slaughter. Pass orders to use bovine urine as cleaning agent and toiletry.
                                       Of late a central cabinet minister came up with an abhorrent revelation. Mr. Nitin Gadkari said, he is using his own urine – that this portly foodie abundantly manufacture daily – on the plants at his official residence and they grew one and a half times more. See his own words.”I started storing my  urine in a plastic can. I have a big bungalow in Delhi. There are a lot of trees there. So one day I called the gardener and instructed him to water some plants with this. I am telling you there was so much difference.”
                                         The obscurantist’s have the freedom to practice any detestable act in private as long as it causes no inconvenience to others. India had a Prime Minister who used to drink his own urine and tried to inculcate this habit in fellow Indians. Manual scavenging is forbidden by the law of the land. How can the minister ask his gardener, a Government employee to carry his urine? Let himself, his spouse, his children, or his kin do the job, not the gardener. Where are the so called trade union leaders of India? Where are the leaders of CITU, INTUC and BMS?