Union Minister for human Resource Development Shashi Tharoor attacked Kerala Cricket Association for the poor drainage system at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium at Kochi."Kerala Cricket Association has brought disgrace to the state. with two major matches washed out. Who benefited from Rs.8.00 crore spent on drainage system?"asks the minister. Is he naive enough not to know the way it went. He being a politician knowing the intricacies of Indian polity and public life and a member of the most corrupt cabinet of free India is surely in the know of it. It obviously went down the drains to the pockets of the mandarins of the association.
Cricket is big money -easy buck- glamour and fame (infamy at times).All are coming to the field of cricket to make a killing - the players, the umpires, the controllers, the bookies et all. They will play hoax to win game and get representation in the cricket control board. we find only the dirty politicians and the filthy business men at the helm affairs of Indian cricket. Most of them come with the intention of laying their hands on the treasure the boards are holding. the Pawars, the Jaitlys, the Shuklas, the Rajnath Singhs, the Ghadkaries, the Kalmadies and the Srinivasans manipulate to get elected to the associations and boards that manage game and sport in India every year. Ms. Sunanda Pushkar is no exception. The reason why she managed to get a share in the capital of kochi Tuskers with the sweat money she earned without sweating is no different.
The people who were hard up for cash when they came to the city from Kozhinjampara and Kothamangalam now lead a lavish life thanks to cricket. The idiots who stand in queues in scorching sun to get a ticket to watch the farce are the losers.
Ignore the Youth Congress activists who vandalized the office of KCA. They are the ones who waddle in meanness and trivialities.
Cricket is big money -easy buck- glamour and fame (infamy at times).All are coming to the field of cricket to make a killing - the players, the umpires, the controllers, the bookies et all. They will play hoax to win game and get representation in the cricket control board. we find only the dirty politicians and the filthy business men at the helm affairs of Indian cricket. Most of them come with the intention of laying their hands on the treasure the boards are holding. the Pawars, the Jaitlys, the Shuklas, the Rajnath Singhs, the Ghadkaries, the Kalmadies and the Srinivasans manipulate to get elected to the associations and boards that manage game and sport in India every year. Ms. Sunanda Pushkar is no exception. The reason why she managed to get a share in the capital of kochi Tuskers with the sweat money she earned without sweating is no different.
The people who were hard up for cash when they came to the city from Kozhinjampara and Kothamangalam now lead a lavish life thanks to cricket. The idiots who stand in queues in scorching sun to get a ticket to watch the farce are the losers.
Ignore the Youth Congress activists who vandalized the office of KCA. They are the ones who waddle in meanness and trivialities.